Jira Service Desk - Work Smarter With Bulk Actions
With JIRA Service Management, you can easily receive, track, manage, and resolve requests from your team’s customers. Customers can communicate requests by email, a customizable help center, and an embeddable widget. JIRA Service Management makes it easier to categorize service requests, incidents, problems, and changes by organizing and prioritizing these requests in a single place and keeps your team on track with goals (or service level agreements). JIRA Service Desk is built on the Jira platform, so you’ll see some terms and concepts that carry across all of Atlassian partner JIRA products. It’s designed to bring IT, development, operations, and business teams closer together with a variety of features that emphasize collaboration at speed. Jira Software In the realm of task the executives, Jira programming has refound itself in a skillful power. Since its beginning, Jira has developed to envelop a wide range of tasks of the executive’s types. The stage uses a wide range of tasks...